Riga FC has won 7 last games
Riga FC has won 5 periods on end in home games
Riga FC has won 2nd period in 6 last games
Grobina has lost 11 last games
Grobina has lost 6 last away games
Grobina has lost 2nd half in 5 last games
No loss
Riga FC has not lost 27 last games
Riga FC has not lost 1st period in 18 last games
Riga FC has not lost 2nd period in 15 last games
Riga FC has not lost 2nd period in 18 last home games
No win
Grobina has not won 11 last games
Grobina has not won 2nd half in 12 last games
Riga FC have had over 1.5 goals 4 last halves in a row in home matches
Riga FC have had over 1.5 1st half goals in 4 last matches
Failed to score
Grobina has not scored in 2nd period in 9 last games
Grobina has not scored in 2nd period in 11 last away games
Clean sheets
Riga FC has not conceded in 2nd period in 7 last games
Riga FC has not conceded in 2nd period in 7 last home games